Can You Please Help Me?

Do you enjoy helping others succeed? Sometimes we are so busy at work that we forget about others. I was busy at work when Reba visited me in my office, looking very sad. Now Reba is a beautiful woman who seemed to have it all. But, she did not. “Can you please help me?” Reba asked. “I really need your help to turn my life around quickly”, she said.

Reba was making insufficient progress in her life. She really wanted to change her life and be more successful. She had a temporary job, was 20 pounds overweight, and really wanted a family.

Reba sought my help and immediately became a client. As part of the program, I asked Reba to set a goal she wanted to achieve in the next 3 months. She decided to set 2 goals instead. Reba wanted to lose 10 pounds, and get a permanent job.

Although Reba enjoyed her temporary job, but did not believe that her company intended to offer her a permanent position. This was because there were many temporary workers in the company and several of them were on the job before her.

Reba and I worked together to develop a plan for her life which included her two goals – losing 10 pounds and getting a permanent job that she would enjoy. This plan included strategies for achieving her goals and action plans for each strategy.

After working with me for the first 2 months, Reba lost 12 pounds and was offered a permanent position with a 30% salary increase in the company where she worked. I was amazed at her progress!

Reba was very determined to succeed, and we were both surprised at how quickly she succeeded. Although Reba worked hard to achieve her goals, we both agreed that God had answered our prayers.

This is what Reba had to say about working with me:

“I never thought I could lose weight so quickly! I never thought they would offer me a permanent position at work. I am so happy and grateful! Thank you very much for helping me. It was great working with you.”

Reba eventually lost all 20 pounds, kept off the weight, enjoys her job, and has a wonderful family.

So, why am I telling you this? Well, because first of all, I really love helping people. Second, because I’m about to invite a handful of people to spend 90 Days learning much of what I know about how to succeed faster and change their lives forever.

Are you interested? I hope so.

I am launching a new Rapid Implementation Program for Christian leaders, entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals and I think you might be a great fit.

I’m looking for people who are serious about succeeding faster and changing their lives forever to make positive changes in their lives, achieve their goals faster, and enjoy their lives much more.

If I could help you do that, would you be interested in being part of this program?

If so, let’s schedule some time to talk about this soon. I’m already filling up seats at the moment, but if this is something you’d like to be a part of, I’d really like to speak with you about it.

Take a look at my calendar and pick a time that works for you so we can talk more about this new program.

Click here to schedule a call with me today.


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